The Cheapest Way to Whiten Your Teeth

In high school I lived with my bachelor father, an orthopedic surgeon. One day after school & rummaging through the basement I jumped off a foot locker and landed on a hose and badly twisted my ankle.

Like a good little bone expert prodigy I went upstairs, elevated my foot on the couch arm, applied an ice pack to my badly swollen ankle, turned on MTV and waited for my father to get home from work.

Arriving and seeing me in my recumbent, injured state, he asked what happened. I told him and then showed him that it hurt to “turn my ankle like this” while demonstrating the slightest, stiff movement of my toes to the right (…or left, I can’t remember).

Anticipating some serious doctor dad concern, empathy and care, he said, in all seriousness….

(are you ready for this?)….

“Well then, don’t do that.” And walked away. 

Needless to say I was not pleased with his couch-side manner, huffed a little, rolled my eyes, maybe even cried out of self-pity…and more than likely cranked up the volume on MTV.

Years later, it all made sense. 

And what does it have to do with whitening your teeth?

Simple. Stop staining them.

You’ll save money & have whiter teeth.

Here are the biggest staining culprits: tobacco, coffee, black tea, and red wine.

Naturally White Teeth & Stained Teeth

Naturally White Teeth & Stained Teeth

If you like having white teeth and you find that you need to use whitening agents to keep your teeth white, then perhaps you’re using/drinking too much of what causes stains.

Well, Carla, no one likes to hear that.

Yeah, I know. But don’t shoot the messenger.

Cause & effect. Choice & consequence. I know many people who would rather continue spending money on whitening agents and continue with whatever is staining their teeth. Fine, but I don’t want to hear you then complain that organic food is too expensive to buy.

It’s all about personal priorities, values & choices…and each one of us is free to decide.

You can have naturally white teeth for free and save oodles of money by not purchasing whitening agents, tobacco, coffee, black tea or red wine. 

How about transitioning to green tea and white wine?

Not only will your wallet get fatter, but your health just may improve. And your teeth will certainly be less stained. While you’re at it, become a committed flosser. Healthy pink gums along those pearly whites are a quintessential sign of good health. (I’m assuming you’re already a diligent & regular brusher.)

I used to drink coffee while smoking my cigarettes. I once loved red wine and would get a kick over everyone’s purple teeth by the end of the night. (That would totally not be funny sober.) I used to whiten my teeth. I even dabbed them with Clorox once during a stupid moment.

Now I don’t whiten my teeth because I don’t stain them. People assume that because I am married to a dentist that I get all the whitening gels & trays for free. Nope. Could my teeth be whiter? Sure, but I’m not into that artificially whiter-than-white chalky look. And I prefer to keep the chemicals out of my mouth.

Eat Apples!

Eat Apples!

While transitioning into a naturally white tooth care regime, be sure to amp up your intake of fresh, crunchy apples so that they can help scrub away those pesky ol’ stains. And splurge on the organic apples to avoid pesticide residue while getting greater nutrition than conventional apples.

An apple a day will keep the doctor away….except the ones to keep close, like a father & husband. ;o) Love you guys!

PS – I know that there are medications that influence the color of teeth. Do what you can about that (the damage may be done & permanent) and whiten if you want to.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Gail September 21, 2013 at 12:14 am

Hi Carla,
A while back I came across a youtube video about using the inside of a banana peel to whiten teeth. Using a piece of a just ripe banana, gently rub the inside of the peel along the teeth for a couple of minutes. Then brush and rinse with your favorite toothpaste (mine is YL’s Thieves). Sure does make your teeth shiny and clean. The high amounts of calcium & vitamin D in the peel help to strengthen the teeth and absorb minerals better.
Very much enjoying your articles about the 80-10-10 plan and the Healers Diet.
Thank you!
Gail Curran


Carla Golden September 23, 2013 at 7:13 pm

Fascinating Gail! Thanks for letting my readers and me know about this! I LOVE the Thieves toothpaste too!


Carolyn February 17, 2014 at 2:05 am

What about green smoothies? My hygienist told me she can always tell patients who drink lots of green drinks because they stain the teeth – anything green, or dark berries, as well as carrot juice. Her advice is to use a straw. Hmm…I don’t enjoy my smoothies that way, so I just try to remember to brush right after I finish my smoothie. I think that’s working for me 🙂


Carla Golden February 17, 2014 at 3:34 am

I’ve not heard that, but it makes sense. All those deep, rich, nutritious colors surely can stain anything! Especially those beets!


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