Carbs Are Bad = Math Is Hard

Saying that all carbs are bad is akin to saying that all math is hard. It can be true, it can be false. It can be both. 1 + 1 = 2 is fairly easy math, unless you’re an infant or toddler.

The math above is undeniably more difficult, but it may be easy to math geniuses.

Categorically speaking about carbohydrates is the same thing as categorically speaking about math. Carbs are not good or bad. They are both, just like math is both easy and hard.

Whole, raw fruit is good or beneficial, for most people.

Candy, cakes, and pies are undeniably less beneficial than whole raw fruit however many people tend to lump all carbs into one homogenous group and label them as good or bad.

I am often asked if bread is “good or bad for you.” It’s both. Some breads are horrible for health and some breads are full of beneficial nutrition however that horrible bread and its malnutrition is still better to consume rather than starving to death. Everything is relative.

Unrefined, whole carbs of the simple and complex variety are generally beneficial for most people. Refined carbs (white sugar, white flour, fruit juice) are generally not beneficial for most people, unless you’re starving.

Click: Know Your Complex, Simple, and Refined Carbs

Meal 1: A bowl of oat groats with whole blackberries and whole, raw walnut halves is full of carbs, fiber, and whole, healthful fats.

Meal 2: A toasted piece of shelf-stable, soft white bread spread with margarine and sprinkled with white sugar and cinnamon is full of refined carbs and refined fats.

Someone who has avowed to avoid carbs will avoid both meals above which is unfortunate. Before lumping all carbs into one category and labeling them either “good” or “bad,” be sure you can distinguish which carbs are simple, complex, or refined carbs and know how each influences the body differently. Carbs are good, bad, better, and worse. It’s crucial to know the difference.

Additional Resources

6 Health-Preserving Reasons to Stop Consuming Oil

The Constipation Crisis

Choosing the Safest Fats, Carbs, and Proteins

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