Why are Vegans Such a Pain in the Ass?

Vegans are annoying. I am one and I know I’m annoying. I don’t even have to open my mouth to be offensive to others. I can simply show up, be quiet, keep to myself, and still I am annoying. It’s why I don’t get invited to parties and why friends run with their shopping buggies in the opposite direction at the grocery store. Friendships and family relationships have been strained and destroyed because I’m so damn annoying.

Why do vegans insist on being such pains in the asses?

Seriously, why do vegans have to speak up when good, humane organizations hosts BBQ fundraisers to raise money for unwanted and abandoned animals?

Why do vegans have to show up at Earth Day celebrations and rain on everyone’s green parade?

And when people speak of overpopulation of the planet and the resulting exhaustion of natural resources, why do vegans have to bring up that there are over 30 times more farmed animals than humans just in the USA alone?

Then there are those times when good, humanitarian organizations seek donations to help feed the nation’s and world’s poor and vegans get all “you know if we all ate plants, we could feed 10 billion people with the crops being grown now and no one has to starve in the first place?”

And then people get excited about circus elephants being retired or orcas no longer being captured for entertainment and everyone is like YAY! and vegans are like what about the other circus animals, the other zoo animals, and all the farm animals? Gosh, vegans, can’t you be happy about anything? So annoying!

And it’s extra annoying when people spend a lot of time rescuing domestic animals like dogs and cats (because, you know, animal abuse is wrong) and they donate to wildlife organizations to protect the wolves or polar bears or endangered birds and vegans have to get all uppity and point out that farmed animals need and deserve just as much protection as domesticated and wild animals.

Oh, oh, oh and those terrible vegans chuckle when others go insane over the dog eating festival in China or the mass dolphin killings in Japan (remember The Cove?) because they watch you eat cows, chickens, fish, and pigs before, during, and after your fits of rage.

If you find the image above completely annoying and offensive, let me remind you that this is considered normal and acceptable:

And then there are those horrid vegans who show little sympathy or patience when meat, dairy, and egg eaters constantly complain about their endless visits to the doctors, their expensive prescription medications, and the inconvenience of their medical procedures.

Good lordy then there are all those damn food documentaries like Forks Over Knives and environmental documentaries like Cowspiracy and animal rights documentaries like Earthlings or Unity that vegans shove on others. Oh, don’t even mention all the books and cookbooks. It’s out of control! Don’t vegans know that if disease could be prevented or cured and environmental pollution could be curbed that our medical and environmental institutions and advocacy groups would let us know?

And who can forget the public outrage when Cecil was killed? A beautiful, innocent animal was slaughtered not for need but for want and those awful vegans just shook their heads in disbelief.

Seriously, don’t vegans know that humans need meat, dairy, and eggs to survive?

And don’t vegans know that eating animals is necessary to keep animal populations under control? I mean, do we want cows, chickens, and pigs overtaking the land?

And, come on, everyone does it. It’s normal. Don’t be a weirdo you annoying vegan.

Okay, okay, okay….I don’t know about you but I feel better after venting about these horrid, terrible vegans. They are so damn annoying and such a pain in the ass with all their facts, figures, and fallacy busters.

(Pssst….maybe it’s not the vegans who are annoying you. Perhaps it’s your conscience.)

Veganism isn’t a cult, religion, or political party. It is a way of living that connects beliefs to actions. Join us. Believe me, the only people who will find you annoying are nonvegans.

Additional Resources

Getting Started on a Low Fat, Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet

Nutrition Only in Animal-Based Foods

Johns Hopkins on Health & Environmental Implications of Animal Consumption

{ 21 comments… read them below or add one }

Michael May 16, 2016 at 4:50 pm

Very good arguments. Bravo!


Carla Golden May 17, 2016 at 8:24 am

Thank you Michael!


Kacy May 17, 2016 at 11:46 pm

Carla, this was awesome! I love the tongue-in-cheek humor. You are my hero!


Carla Golden May 18, 2016 at 11:42 am

Thank you Kacy! xo


AsMiR1999 December 31, 2022 at 6:50 pm

This whole essay and smugness is just another reason tho why vegans are a pain in the ass.


Carla Golden January 1, 2023 at 2:33 pm

Yeah pretty much and I thank you for reading and commenting!


Patricia Vaughn May 18, 2016 at 2:06 pm

I am Vegan an don’t consider myself a “pain in the ass”. I am Vegan for my health, therefore, I cook meat for my husband. I do not care what other people eat and believe. That is their business. I also don’t appreciate other vegans giving me a hard time because I am not an animal activist and don’t eat meat to save the animals. It is not as much a problem now as it was when I first became Vegan, but I still encounter issues about cooking for my husband. I guess I need to learn not to be so “truthful”. I need to just say “I am a vegan” end of conversation. Except it always comes up. When I say I am a Vegan and people ask if my Husband is too, that is where the conversations gets dicey.


Carla Golden May 18, 2016 at 8:15 pm

I’m glad you don’t feel like a pain in the ass Patricia! I suppose I’m more outspoken about animal rights and environmental concerns….speaking up and out for the animals and the planet.


Claudette December 30, 2018 at 11:36 am

Patricia you’re are absolutely NOT vegan. Please use plant based NOT vegan. Anyone who says they are not an activist or don’t eat meat to save the animals is just a hypocrite. Cooking meat for your husband is the most hypocritical thing that you can do. I wouldn’t be too proud of your stance here.
Plant based is a diet, veganism is a stance on morals not diet. Plant based is actually a very selfish way of living.
I suggest you watch a few slaughterhouse videos, go listen to the cries of the animals when they are being lowered into the gas chambers getting burned from the inside out. I dare you.


Carla Golden December 31, 2018 at 10:08 am

Thank you Claudette for making the distinction between a vegan lifestyle and plant-based eating. I’ve tried to summarize these nuances in a chart. Let me know what you think. Chart: https://www.carlagoldenwellness.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/VeganChart.png


Joyce Moore May 18, 2016 at 9:14 pm

I’m vegan, and proud to be a pain in the ass of every person who spouts hypocrisy. If you eat meat, you don’t love animals, you love the way they taste. Being okay with the suffering, torture, and breeding of animals only to kill them, makes you worse than a pain in the ass, it makes you apathetic and weak. Carla is absolutely right, your problem isn’t with us, it’s with your own behavior, and your conscience.


Carla Golden May 19, 2016 at 7:02 pm

Thank you for chiming in with your welcomed passion Joyce! I appreciate your comment.


Rebecca Lynn July 15, 2016 at 10:56 pm

Thank you, Joyce!!


a fellow pain in the ass


Leo & Jo Ann Tezduyar May 30, 2016 at 9:12 pm

Dear Carla,

Thank you for your heart to write an article on Veganism. Vegan is so misunderstood by so many people, and reasons and justification, humanity and sharing the world with other creatures. People are dying left and right from major illnesses, but never to look back and understand what was the root cause of these senseless deaths. You pay for what you eat, sooner or later. Why can not we see that. We are also annoying people say the least, and ignored at best. Everytime we open our mouths to anyone, including our families, we can
visually see that, we are boring them, they can not wait to excuse themselves, and disappear. However they can not succeed silencing us, because love in our hearts never
let that happen, we continue to hit, sometimes more smarter than in the past.
We are sending you a link it speaks for itself the deception we live in.
Please copy and paste into your web browser….

Jo Ann and Leo


Carla Golden May 31, 2016 at 7:37 am

Thank you Leo & Jo Ann for your thoughtful comment. I love that video! It’s one of the best! Press on sharing the truth and we will make a difference for the animals…nonhuman and human alike…and our mother Earth. xo


Daniel August 19, 2016 at 7:57 pm

You are right, you are a pain


Carla Golden August 20, 2016 at 9:48 am

Thank you for taking time away from your precious life to let me know! xo


aaron October 13, 2016 at 11:26 am

You are definitely one of “those” vegans. That’s not a compliment.


Carla Golden October 13, 2016 at 10:21 pm

Gee thanks Aaron.


Wenni Zhao April 2, 2018 at 8:12 pm

Hahaha this comment is funny to me. She’s one of “those” because there are…YOU that exist, on the other side. It’s the duality of life. We are vegan and standing up for animals BECAUSE of people who do not. You helped create us. Thank you 🙂 I am proud to live with greater authenticity and to have the COURAGE to examine my cognitive dissonance.


Carla Golden April 3, 2018 at 9:31 pm

You make an excellent point Wenni. If people were not comfortable with abusing & exploiting animals, veganism wouldn’t even be a thing.


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