Plantar Fasciitis Remedy

In August 2014 I started training for a full (26.2 mile) marathon that was scheduled for that November. I steadily got stronger, developed more stamina, and felt great going into the event. It was a perfect experience!

I was so pumped about having completed my first marathon on a Saturday that I rested several days and then was back running on the bike paths the following Thursday. I had never run a full marathon before and I certainly had never recuperated from a full marathon before. I did a very poor job. By the end of the year I was suffering from acute plantar fasciitis. Later I learned that an amateur runner like me probably should have taken 2-3 weeks rest from running instead of four days.

According to Wikipedia plantar fasciitis is a disorder that results in pain in the heel and bottom of the foot. Plantar fasciitis is a disorder of the insertion site of the ligament on the bone characterized by micro tears, breakdown of collagen, and scarring.

Initially I had plantar Fasciitis (PF) in both of my feet, especially the heel and arch areas, and eventually the right side healed and the pain remained only on my left side. After a slight ankle injury to add to the foot pain, I took time off running and swimming and did a 10-Day Bikram Yoga Challenge in January 2015 during which I made the left side situation even worse by over-extending the top of my left hamstring.

So all of 2015 I spent favoring and protecting my left foot and hamstring. My primary mode of exercise became walking. I read about PF, talked with others about PF, tried different PF healing strategies, and nothing really improved. Then one random Sunday in the late Fall/early Winter of 2015 while out to lunch with a small group of friends after fellowship services, my buddy Jim (who writes a great whole food, plant-based blog) mentioned a tip that helped him. It sounded way too easy, but I employed his advice.

He said to make sure that whenever I stand, walk, or run that I keep my feet parallel and not to let my feet “duck out” at all. I have narrow hips and muscular thighs, so my feet naturally “duck out” slightly meaning my left toes are further to the left than my left heel, and my right toes are further to the right than my right heel.

No, don’t do this:

Yes, do this:

When I walk and run now with the conscious awareness of keeping my feel parallel, it feels so unnatural as though I’m pigeon-toeing inward. But in reality I am not. My feet are parallel. This has made a world of difference and I have no foot pain! I am amazed!

While I did purchase inserts for my running shoes, a nobby ball for rolling under my arches, and did stretches, I never went as far as purchasing and wearing a night splint for my foot. I was reserving that last step for sheer desperation. Luckily I had lunch with Jim before that level of desperation set in!

I’m now back to running combined with my power walking and stair climbing. As the days start to warm and lengthen, I look forward to putting in more and more non-painful miles on the bike trails and beach! Thank you so much Jim!

Future Me:

{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }

Cyd February 22, 2016 at 4:16 pm

Who knew? I’m going to try this one. I have tried everything else over the years, so why not add one more! Thanks for sharing such a simple solution. Love you!


Carla Golden February 23, 2016 at 10:25 am

I hope it works as well for you as it has for me, Cyd! xoxoxo


Pam Russell June 24, 2016 at 8:05 pm

the only thing that worked for me was swimming. I swam for an hour every day – after having spent almost a year in physical therapy. The swimming did it.


Carla Golden June 25, 2016 at 6:05 pm

Excellent! Good to know. Thanks for taking the time to read & comment Pam.


Mary February 27, 2016 at 5:12 pm

Useful article. I had problems with my feet too and it was heel pain. Later I found out that I had plantar fasciitis. However, I got rid of it quite easily. If you don’t mind I’d like to share my experience of how I dealt with plantar fasciitis.

I’m a busy person, so I had no time to constantly see doctors, get acupuncture or physiotherapy. I didn’t know what to do and the pain was killing me, I could barely walk back then. So, I did a research hoping to find something that could help me. And guess what?

I found one e-book which taught me a lot about plantar fasciitis, it’s symptoms, causes and how to cure it. I followed it carefully, did specific exercises and stretches and I completely got rid of my plantar fasciitis in 10 days! Can you believe that? I thought it’s a miracle, but then I did some more research about this e-book and found a lot of satisfied people who also claimed that they cured they plantar fasciitis fast. What a finding!

I’m pasting a link below which leads to a review of this e-book:

I hope this will help someone who has heel painor even plantar fasciitis 🙂


Carla Golden March 1, 2016 at 7:06 pm

Excellent! Thank you so much Mary.


Terri Davison May 3, 2016 at 11:46 pm

Arch supports are my savior. My job has me on my feet from start to finish. I literally never sit down except for my half hour lunch break. As long as I wear good arch supports (not the ones with the heel cushions…straight arch support) in my shoes my plantar fasciitis does not recur.

It took me quite some time….trial and error…to figure this out. Hopefully it will be helpful for others.

YMMV, of course!


Carla Golden May 4, 2016 at 9:37 am

Thanks for adding this solution Terri! I had arch supports in my old running shoes and they did help a bunch. Now I’m in flat Altas for running without arch supports and my feet are holding up great! Still keeping my feet parallel when standing, walking, or running (er, jogging).


Hazel Owens May 26, 2016 at 11:05 am

I’m glad that Jim told you to be more conscious of how your feet are aligned. I’ve seen plenty of people that run, walk, or even stand with their feet “duck out,” and I’m sure I do it sometimes, too. However, the fact that changing that alone was able to reduce your foot pain so much is pretty impressive! Thanks for sharing.


Carla Golden May 26, 2016 at 12:37 pm

It seems too simple to be true, but it has worked and continues to work for me. In fact, as I type I’m standing at my desk and I just readjusted my feet to keep them from developing pain ever again.


Gate Holloman November 25, 2016 at 10:32 pm

Who knew? I’m going to try this one. I have tried everything else over the years, so why not add one more! Thanks for sharing such a simple solution. Love you!


Carla Golden November 26, 2016 at 2:00 pm

Hope it works for you too Gate!


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