How to Tame a Sugar Addiction

We are predisposed to favoring the taste of sweetness. Our perfect first food, mother’s breast milk, is very sweet. It keeps us coming back for more…to grow, thrive, and be happy.

After we are weaned, other sweet substances commonly take the place of breast milk: cow milk, refined sugar, and refined grains. Before long many of us become enslaved to a raging sweet tooth.


What’s a person to do?

Swearing off all things sweet is unnatural and futile. We are pre-programmed to seek that which is sweet.

The key to taming a sugar addiction is to eat more sugar!


Yes, but natural, whole, raw sugar which is found in fruit.

Flood your sweet tooth and cravings with fresh fruit and you’ll soon be liberated from a destructive sugar addiction. This sounds counter-intuitive, but it works every time.


Natural sugar is not addictive. In fact it’s the kind of sugar your body is naturally seeking and needing for fuel. Refined sugars in candy, sweet drinks (including alcohol), desserts, and treats are essentially drugs that are highly addictive.

Sugar is highly destructive to the body. It creates fat around your organs, can lead to pre-diabetes and diabetes type 2, is damaging to teeth, contains no nutrients, stresses the liver, can cause insulin resistance which can lead to a metabolic disorder, creates an acidic and cancer-friendly internal body environment, can lead to obesity, strains the heart, and jacks you up which leads to a crash exhausting your nervous system and stressing your adrenal glands.

Eric Clapton, renowned musician, shares how his heroine and alcohol addictions started with sugar.

Unnaturally refined sugars are just about everyone’s first addiction. And the food industry knows how very addictive this substance is which is why it is found in practically every processed food item. Your repeat business is their goal. If the industrial food companies can make you addicted to their products, that means more of your money floods into their coffers, satisfying their shareholders.


Refined sugar lights up the same pleasure centers of the brain as cocaine. Both are highly addictive.


The solution is not to substitute refined sugar with artificial sugar. This mistake completely confuses the body. The brain gets the message that something sweet has been eaten, so all the mechanisms that process sugar get triggered and then there is no real sugar to be found. Recent studies have shown that a steady diet of aspartame, sucralose (aka Splenda), and saccharin also alters gut bacteria in a way that causes blood-sugar levels to rise.

So many sweet processed foods have not only refined beet or cane sugar, but also include artificial sweeteners. A double destructive whammy! Read your labels!!!


It’s nearly impossible to find a mainstream bubble or chewing gum that doesn’t include not only aspartame but also acesulfame K – another artificial sweetener that confuses the body. These chemicals are especially dangerous for children with still growing brains.

So many sugar calories are consumed in liquid form. Sweet tea, coffee drinks, energy beverages, fruit juices, and alcohol are all essentially addictive liquid drugs. Alcohol’s fermented sugar is particularly pernicious in that it’s basically sugar on fire.


This video well explains what happens to the brain when sugar is eaten and how it forms an addiction.

The body wants and needs sugar…in the form that nature provides it. Whole, raw, fresh sweet fruit is your answer to breaking a refined sugar addiction. It’s sweet and satisfies the taste buds, it is not addictive, the body knows what to do with it, and it cleanly and sustainably fuels your body for pure, honest energy without spikes or crashes.

Break your sugar addiction in one week by joining a free Fruit Til Five™ session. I’ll show you how it’s done!

Additional Resources:

The Many Names of Sugar

Fruit is NOT Your Sugar Problem

The Problem with Fruit

• Fruit Til Five™ Overview

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Laura September 23, 2014 at 6:25 am

Excellent post! Yes, replacing sugar with fruit really works. I didn’t have a huge sugar addiction, but since sugar is found in so many foods, I was eating too much. Now that I eat fruit during the day (fruit ’til five) any cravings for sweet food are taken care of. Now, if I can get my son to eat fruit instead of processed sugars!
Laura recently posted..Bullies, butterflies and other beastsMy Profile


Carla Golden September 23, 2014 at 10:18 am

Yes, I think many of us are challenged to convince our children to eat more fruit. Hopefully they will learn by observation and when feeling good naturally becomes more important to them, they will already know what to do…and do it!


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