I Can’t Believe I Have Jock (er, Jill) Itch!!!

As some of you know or may recall, I am in the early training stages for a full marathon taking place in Savannah, GA this November. The running has been going great, in fact, I’m enjoying it more than I ever have in my life.

I’ve been clocking 5-9 miles several times a week and have been swimming most other days. I feel strong, I sense my endurance is improving, and the fact that I actually enjoy longer runs simply amazes me.

BUT all this wet clothing activity has gotten me into big trouble! I must have stayed in my drenched running clothes or a wet bathing suit a little too long because I have developed jock, er Jill, itch!

More than embarrassing, it’s annoying!

I love eating a high-fruit diet and I am mindful to keep my fat intake in check (reasons here). One weekend several weeks ago I made a big batch of homemade pesto from our backyard basil plants. I used a copious amount of basil, beautiful pine nuts (fat), supreme extra virgin cold pressed olive oil (fat), sea salt, and parmesan cheese (fat). I usually purchase a $10 tub of organic small farm parmesan cheese, but not this time. I was at a different store and bought their conventional less-expensive deli shaved parmesan.

This yummy conventional shaved parmesan gave us all gas it was so creamy and rich. Coming from conventionally fed, raised, and milked cows, surely some antibiotics and other medications were concentrated in the final product too. This parmesan was a bit more challenging on my digestive tract (where 75% of immunity is located) than the other brand of parmesan I occasionally eat.

Because I loaded down the pesto with so much basil, my family didn’t like it as it was too strong for them. So guess what? It was all left up to me to eat (happily!) and I certainly was not going to let it go bad and go to waste. So for three days I ate roasted potatoes (more fat from the additional oil) for dinner with the already high-fat pesto. My dinners are not usually not so cooked, fatty, or rich.

It was after this high-fat pesto stretch that the insane Jill itch manifested. Sweaty, damp clothes, too much dietary fat, and possible antibiotics…all a recipe for funky stuff to grow in anatomical nooks and crannies.

Being the natural health advocate I am, I insisted upon treating this fungal yeast attack naturally. I doused myself between the legs with Maleleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) oil, Purification blend (citronella, lemongrass, rosemary, tea tree, lavandin, myrtle) oil, and sprayed LavaDerm (aloe and lavender mist).

Tea Tree oil has always been my go to oil at the sign of any urinary tract infection (UTI). I drop several drops onto a hot washcloth and hold in place between the legs. It’s soothing, the oil tingles a bit, and that’s usually enough for me to halt anything developing.

For the Jill itch, the Tea Tree oil helped some to relieve the itch, but it didn’t work magic like with an early UTI. The Purification oil seemed to work better to control the itch, but it wasn’t killing the fungus like I needed it to. The Lavaderm was very relieving to the itch, but it was very watery and I didn’t want to add too much dampness to the area when I was making so much effort to keep the area as dry as possible.

To keep myself dry I would stand over the dehumidifier in the bathroom (hello, welcome to the insanely humid South) and even blow dry down there with my hair dryer. I’ve been going commando (without underwear) and in a dress wherever and whenever I could get away with it. Shhhh…don’t tell my secrets! LOL!

It didn’t feel like the Jill itch was getting worse, but it certainly didn’t feel like it was getting better either so I needed to crank up my approach. The itch was most intense in the hot shower where I felt like I could scratch my skin right off. The itch sensation was so huge, at times I felt nauseated.

My husband had already arranged for me to get some prescriptive cream from the pharmacy but I just didn’t want to go that route. Yes, I’m stubborn like that. He did bring home this over the counter cream for me.

I started using the Clotrimazole externally only by rubbing some on the itchy parts. This kit comes with internal applicators but I didn’t use them because I wasn’t experiencing any internal itch (thank goodness). My itch was in the crease where my legs meet my pubic bone, all the way under, and then in the creases of my booty cheeks and, yes, my butt crack. Glorious!

While using the cream several times a day I started drinking this Turmeric bottled drink for all the medicinal spices to boost my immunity and balance my body. I didn’t stop running or swimming, but I was certain to strip down and get dry ASAP after working out. And, of course, the insanity eventually sets in and you feel like it’s now on your ear, your shin, your finger, or your nose. Everything starts to itch. Even places where it makes no sense at all to get Jill itch.

I took a ginger bath, an apple cider vinegar bath, an oatmeal bath and swallowed these raw probiotic Vitamin C capsules until my family begged me to stop. The gas they produced when I reached a threshold was deadly.

Last week my daughter and I took a day trip to Savannah, GA. We walked around downtown in the humid, hot weather. I commando in a skirt, of course. It felt like a sauna and the fungus had an orgy. Later we stopped by Whole Foods and I picked up this cream and some chewable Vitamin C.


I used the cream once before I drove straight to the pharmacy in desperation and picked up the prescription. I had had about 2.5 weeks too much of this annoying Jill itch waking me up in the night and causing general life discord. I was getting tired of sitting like a guy with my knees out wide …yes commando in a skirt, but only at home, I assure you!

So I’ve been using this expensive cream for almost a week now. I’m still running, swimming, wearing dresses, going commando, and sitting with my knees apart, but no longer wanting to rip off my skin in the shower. I’m still drinking the Turmeric juice, chewing Vitamin C, and watching my fat intake closely (didn’t do so well this weekend on the road!). I’m drying all my workout clothes in the dryer on high instead of hanging them dry and trying to preserve the elasticity. I’m staying as dry as possible in the humid Southern summer and will not let this set-back deter me from my marathon training schedule.

It’s funny that I called this prescription cream expensive considering all that I bought and tried before my stubborn self went to the pharmacy. But, like I said, I’m like that. But not quite as stubborn as Jill itch!

{ 14 comments… read them below or add one }

Valeria Rome July 14, 2014 at 3:10 pm

Oh My! I certainly feel for you…been there, had that…I started taking Align Probiotics and mine cleared up…hope you get relief soooonnnnn! ‘It ain’t easy being a woman’


Carla Golden July 14, 2014 at 4:32 pm

Thank you Valeria! I’ll be back in balance soon! It’s been so long (10 years?) since I’ve had any antibiotics and I really do think that parmesan was carrying some and unbalanced my gut flora.


Dave Klein July 14, 2014 at 4:05 pm

Hi Carla, I’ll bet you that if you stop eating the nuts, oil, cheese and salt and stop the creams and other remedies, it will go away within a week or two. A water fast would definitely rid it quickly.


Carla Golden July 14, 2014 at 4:26 pm

I know you’re completely 100% right Dave! Pesto is a rare treat for me and something I only eat over the weekend if at all. So unusual that I had it 3 days in a row! Goes to show how uncooperative fat is in the body especially when you’re not longer used to eating it all the time. I’m back on my high-fruit, mega-veggie routine and keeping an extra close eye on my fat intake.


Cyd July 14, 2014 at 4:05 pm

Ugh! Ghastly anytime, anywhere, but having it in the South? All I can say is…”Isn’t that SPECIAL?!”


Carla Golden July 14, 2014 at 4:22 pm

Thanks Cyd. I know, right?


Rachel July 14, 2014 at 6:43 pm

Sorry to hear about your current misery! With what you said about cheese, I’m wondering… do you think a lot of “lactose intolerance” has to do with the antibiotics, or is it really about the lactose?
Wishing you well, I’m sure you’ll be feeling like yourself very soon.


Carla Golden July 15, 2014 at 10:26 am

I know the medicines in dairy foods do compromise the body (gut) but I’m pretty sure the lactose intolerance has to do with lacking an enzyme to break down the milk sugar.


Dreamwvr July 14, 2014 at 7:10 pm
Carla Golden July 15, 2014 at 10:25 am

Oh good to know!!! Thank you! As you know, I love Young Living products and think they are the best (after diet) for good health.


j July 15, 2014 at 12:19 am

Just read this and timely. I myself have been going through this intensely the past 3-7 weeks. And it getting worse and worse. It first came up for me 30 (now 41 turning 42) yrs ago when I wore my first jock strap. Horrid thing. I’ve dealt with itching on and off since then. All same symptoms as you. Heat in the hot shower feels so good to scratch that I felt nausea and could have passed out the last time. I also have loathed to think about getting prescription pharm. I didnt see real results with them in the past but I’ve not used a pharm product in years. I used the product by home health and was leery cuz it’s creamy. In the past it helped for foot peeling but not for groin itching.

Yes to the other commentators. Diet is key and yes I don’t eat a lot of sweets and such but I do eat rice and starches and in summer fruit here in NYC. I’m a eastern medical doctor but I’m not fully versed in herbal therapy and diet would mean going cold turkey on all fruits grains kombucha etc for 3-6mths in addition to qigong and essential oil (internal and external) to replicate acupuncture which I can’t do on myself.

Anyway I went last week to a coop in the neighborhood and spoke to a brother who works in the herbal section. I told him straight up I need something for groin itching real bad itching. He recommended a colloidal silver solution that has olive leaf tea tree and oregano. Ingredients as follows: colloidal silver 15ppm, olive leaf, tea tree, oregano oil (70% carvacrol) other ingredient deionized water, grain alcohol (10%. By vol) soy lecithin, peppermint spirits.

Night 1) itching was reduced and mind you I was moving all night sprayed maybe 2-4pumps 4x over a 6 hr period
Day 2) itching reduced still pumped same amount testicles and penis and pubic bone region 1-4x over 24 hr period I found every 4 hrs was about needed
Day 3) significantly reduced itching, same amt pumps 3x over 12-15 hr period before bed. Also took a lavendar bath soak in 2 cups of Epsom and dried well before spraying.
While sleep itching was not significant. In past it’d driven me crazy and also upon waking no itching also a common occurrence in past
Day4 today. Same number of pumps but only 3 times and no itching when in shower just desire to clean and rub dead skin off. I didn’t find myself craving that heat as intensely.

So that’s my suggestion. Diet wise, significantly less fruit these past few days and I just recalled I was eating a lot of cherries which can make itch type situations seem worse (Chinese dietary medical perspective which I won’t go into) but i didn’t eat much fruit. Yesterday probably the most in 4 days and avoided berries just had some watermelon and grapefruit (first time in years grapefruit as I eat local and seasonal to NYC mainly). Today no fruit. As far as juice and liquids. I’m using a probiotic drink and kombucha and water. That’s it.

So the solution is helping. Significantly. I’m going to stick with it. It’s About 13$ a 1z bottle. So I’m going to see about making it myself in a bulk amount and I’ll use it for remainder of summer and if I remember report back. Oh I’m also using it on my feet and the peeling is decreasing. And scalp. I run dry and hot. Regardless of water and efa’s I’ve had that issue of skin flaking. This is helping both feet and head significantly. I think the internal is still important so I’m maintaining diet and gonna resume my efa intake when I find my flax seed (having moved it’s somewhere in a box) tomorrow and probiotic intake.

Give thanks Carla for this post


Carla Golden July 15, 2014 at 10:24 am

Thank you for all this J! Colloidal silver had crossed my mind (I have a friend who swears by it for just about anything) but I’ve never used it before. I will be making and taking some oregano oil capsules starting tomorrow (when I get my supplies). I know I backed up the sugar in my blood by eating all that fat creating a perfect storm. I too have been eating a bunch of cherries and I’ll be mindful to lay off. Keeping my diet simple and clean until this passes. I’d like to think I could do a water fast, but I’m not willing (or desperate enough right now) to lay off work and exercise in order to do it right. Good luck with everything and, again, thanks so much for the details of your approach!


Yvonne and Steve January 27, 2015 at 5:55 pm

From what I have studied to do with candida, thrush, itch etc..
It was definitely Claraderm you needed not Laverderm! Got the ~derm… but not the right one!
So anyone with this again…. Claraderm will rid it very quickly.. Even for preparation for birth and postpartum birth no infection and facilitates healing. 🙂


Carla Golden January 28, 2015 at 10:28 am

Great information. Thanks for the clarification Yvonne!! For anyone who wants to get Claraderm, click here: https://www.carlagoldenwellness.com/shop/essential-oil/


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