Why MLM is the Business Model of the Future

MLM: multi-level marketing

What mental images, visceral reactions, and emotional triggers does that phrase induce? Slimy, pushy sales people? Obnoxious friends throwing product parties and pressuring you to host? Acquaintances dropping the name of their brand at every chance they get during conversation?

Yes, we’ve all experienced our fair share and, yes, this is the downside to MLMs, however I want to show you the upside and then maybe you’ll see why brand representatives are so eager and passionate about their work.

Remember the Avon lady? Tupperware parties? Mary Kay pink Cadillacs? Electrolux door-to-door salesmen?

These direct selling companies began as single-level marketing companies but then adopted the multi-level marketing structure. MLM companies have traditionally been an excellent way for stay-at-home mothers and wives to earn a little side cash. Even if you love your spouse, your children, and tending the home, it’s always empowering to earn your own money.

Some families or individuals take on an MLM because two (or more) incomes are necessary to cover expenses and perhaps keeping the children at home is a priority. There are all sorts of life situations that require non-traditional extra income and MLMs help meet that need. A service provider (massage therapist) might take on an aligned MLM product to supplement her income.

Early MLMs were typically brands of household, beauty, and health products. Brands that appealed to women were what women were good at selling and recommending to their friends.

Then along came the company Amway which changed the tone of MLMs. It’s reputation is the poster child of all that’s undesirable about MLM companies: pushy sales people, disguised sales calls, cult-like pressure tactics, and over-inflated income promises. (In all fairness, I believe Amway has changed their ways under pressure of the legal system, but the stereotypical reputation has yet to be fully shaken off.)

In spite of the challenges, MLM companies persist and the business model has proliferated.


Because the best parts about MLMs are still great. Now there is more regulation of MLM companies, there are fewer financial risks to those who sign up with a company, their commitment to the company is more transparent, and the compensation plans are easier to understand and more realistic.

MLMs, to get away from the negative connotations, have started using other phrases to describe their business model: networking marketing, direct sales, word of mouth marketing, and referral or relationship marketing. But they are all basically the same.

One thing MLMs are not is a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes involve the exchange of money without the sale or exchange of product or services. Receiving monetary compensation for signing up a sales person (distributor, consultant, affiliate) under you constitutes a pyramid scheme. Legitimate MLMs do not do this. Financially benefitting from signing up a distributor under you only happens when that distributor or their downline (distributors or customers under them) purchases product.

Shady MLMs are fading along with the door-to-door vacuum cleaner and encyclopedia salesmen. I think MLMs are the future of business. Why?

Because I believe that the people (yes,us) are tired of the corporate, capitalistic model when large companies profit from sales then distribute the excess to externalized share holders. The people are very much exploited with seductive marketing, advertising, and strategic pricing. Think of Walmart, Target, Nike, and McDonald’s and how much money they make for shareholders off the common people.

In an MLM the shareholders are the internal, integrated, non-salaried distributors. As the company succeeds and rises, its distributors succeed and rise. When bringing more compassion, collaboration, and cooperation into the future of business, I believe MLM companies are using an excellent and forwarding thinking business model. MLMs who also align with charitable causes or fund their own non-profit organizations do good in the world such as social (buy one, give one)  enterprises like Tom’s Shoes.

Do MLM company headquarters and employees want to succeed as much as corporations? Absolutely! But who benefits from the success differs. The MLM distributors who smartly and successfully promote their brand and generate income and bonuses (trips, prizes, money) do! Grand effort can equal grand reward! MLMs are not an easy and quick way to get rich, but they can be a legitimate and fun way to earn money over time with dedication.

“Multi-level marketing, MLM or network marketing, companies have produced more millionaires and six figure incomes than any other business model on the planet hands down.” Scott Hallock

• Good MLMs are responsive to their team of distributors, rather than driven by the demands of externalized shareholders.

• MLMs also offer sales commissions – like in car or real-estate sales – when customers purchase product without becoming part of the company.

• With the advent and dominance of the internet, building a legitimate business as part of an MLM for yourself while staying home or as a side venture is easier than ever offering freedom of location, flexible working hours, and a potentially global downline.

• Now that MLMs are becoming more common and multiple companies are selling competitive products, the companies need to be more strategic and appealing in their prices, compensation plans, and product or services. This is great for the distributor and customer! Healthy competition keeps everyone honest and products appealing.

Another popular online business model is affiliate marketing where a company like Amazon, Go Daddy, online health summits, or teaching programs offer financial kick-back if a customer purchases from the company through your online affiliate link. This is another wonderful way to make money recommending products and services, however there is no personal integration with the company. You are promoting the company’s wares without being a part of the company.

Here’s what to look for when considering becoming a part of any MLM:

1. Does the person who wants to sign you up actually use the products or services? Can they speak to how using the products or services has improved their lives financially, health-wise, or in self-esteem as a by-product of building a business? Listen to their stories. Are they sincere and inspiring?

2. Is the compensation plan and buy-in clear? Are your financial obligations listed up-front? Do you know exactly what you need to pay to become part of the company? Be skeptical of a high-dollar buy-in. The focus needs to be on future sales, not what you are paying the company up front to become part of the company.

3. Are you required to meet a sales quota? (I don’t recommend becoming part of an MLM that requires this.) Do you have to carry inventory? (I don’t recommend this either.) Can you quit the company at any time without penalty?

4. Is this a line or a brand that you can stand behind ethically? Will the quality, uniqueness, and appeal of the products or services sell themselves? No MLM or distributor can sell a junk product for long.

5. Do you feel pressure to join or sell? This is usually a sign that you and the company are not the right fit. However, if you like the company but not the person wanting to sign you up, find another sponsor. Call the company headquarters for a distributor in your area. Meet with them. They will be your coach. It’s important to feel comfortable and that you can establish a healthy working relationship. Signing up needs to feel like an opportunity, not an obligation or something to later regret.

6. Is there any price-fixing when selling the product or service retail? The company establishes the wholesale price, however when the distributor (individual, business, or store) turns around and sells their product inventory at retail, they should have the freedom to determine their appropriate retail price for their market. Do not engage with companies who price-fix retail sales. 

7. How old is the company? Getting into a legitimate MLM early is beneficial. Not only will you get to bring a new product to the world, you also stand to benefit from the large network that will grow beneath you IF the product or service is of quality. New MLMs need to be well capitalized to be a safe investment for you, otherwise it is recommended to only join MLMs that are at least 5 years old if you’re not a risk taker.

8. Do you have easy (phone, fax, email)  access to the company headquarters to provide feedback, ask questions, and request help and customer service?

Why am I involved with an MLM? Because I have been able to build a massage practice & become a vegan nutritionist while being a full-time mom, supportive wife, and primary keeper of the home. I love contributing to our family income because it makes me feel empowered, purposeful, and productive. I have a say in how we spend, I don’t feel guilty about my expenditures, and I’ve developed a greater sense of self-competence through building a business. I like to work, I like meeting new people, making new connections, and promoting products that have not only enhanced my life, but can enhance the lives of others.

I’d love to hear in the comment section below how MLM has improved your life!

Additional Resources:

Young Living Therapeutic Essential Oils

{ 34 comments… read them below or add one }

Stephanie August 10, 2014 at 3:34 pm

What a great article! I really appreciate how informative and straight-forward this is. Thanks for making it normal! As wellness practitioners, we promote/recommend a lot of products and want to make a living doing what we love – helping people.

Thank you,


Lisa August 16, 2014 at 10:19 am

Hi Carla!
Nice post! Your perspective on network marketing really gives a person something to think about. Funny that you brought up the Tupperware parties etc. Many years ago, it was my first experience in network marketing and I remember doing those parties!

Network marketing is really about people helping people. That’s what I love about it. It has changed my life in a big way. When I started getting serious about it a few years ago, I had no idea that it would turn into a full time endeavor. I was able to leave my job in 2011 and haven’t looked back since.

People don’t realize that network marketing is a solid profession that can be lucrative in terms of income, helping others, and building relationships that last a lifetime.

Thanks again for a great post! Have a nice day.
Lisa recently posted..Does Network Marketing Work?My Profile


Carla Golden August 16, 2014 at 10:51 am

This is so great to read Lisa! Thank you for sharing your story here.


James October 6, 2014 at 10:53 pm

wow! this was amazing! i really love how steady this article went and how smoothly your transition form each subject. i will definitely show pretty much everybody this before the sign up.


Carla Golden October 7, 2014 at 9:59 am

Glad you liked it James. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.


Sally Puckett November 3, 2014 at 4:37 pm

I’ve been supporting my household for 20 years through MLM. When I used to host nutritional supplement “parties” at my 600 sq. ft. house, I would take guests into my kitchen and point to the big mansion on the hill owned by the local Health Food Store Magnet. I’d then ask my guests, “Who’s lifestyle would you rather support? The millionaire on the hill or me, just trying to scratch out a living?” Best closing line ever!


Carla Golden November 3, 2014 at 6:43 pm

I’m sure that made a HUGE impression on your clients Sally! I love it! It is so great to read that your MLM business has been totally supportive for you. It can help create an ideal lifestyle!!!


Laura Newton December 23, 2014 at 2:15 am

Added to my collection!

Thanks for sharing this tips. I’ve collected some tips about affiliate marketing before I go full blast next year, and this is a great addition to my list.

Hope you won’t mind me bookmarking this one.


Brawn Thompson April 26, 2015 at 5:46 pm

I did not understand what was Network Marketing since most people spoke ill, until I began to study the background and wanted to know why many did so, and found that everything they said was a lie because some do not understand the business model and fail to develop, but it really is the profession of the future and the best to make money …


Carla Golden April 26, 2015 at 9:34 pm

I’m glad you did your research Brawn!


Brawn May 8, 2015 at 12:29 am

What incredible post was looking for tips for network marketing but did not know where to find, just finding his blog, are tips that will help me quite’m newbie and did not know what to do now was everything clearer, thanks for sharing!


Carla Golden May 8, 2015 at 2:17 pm

Glad it helped Brawn!


Dawn G June 22, 2015 at 2:31 pm

This was a great article. Thanks for such a detailed, well thought out article. There is a lot of misunderstanding out there about MLMs. I love mine because I can help people get healthy and keep myself healthy in the process! I earn money through sharing stories!! My uplines like to remind us that you don’t get a check when you recommend a movie or favorite restuarant, but we do by helping people live better! How awesome is that?


Carla Golden June 22, 2015 at 2:40 pm

Thank you Dawn for taking the time to read & comment! I’m glad you liked the article. Best wishes with your MLM!


Guinne T. October 24, 2015 at 11:31 am

Well organized article offering … some right-on-target ideas and musings … however; to be clear, this is your opinion. MLM (imho) was just BEGUN to be done “right” by Amway. Your opinionated trashing of that company did not score points for your credibility. While some of the things you said were true, your bashing was in poor taste and, in fact, diluted your message. Having been a part of several MLMs, beginning with Amway, I can state that the Amway business started the revolution that is today’s MLM offerings community. Having said that, my opinion is that MLM is a graceful and strategic way to make/own/run one’s own business. But I would never run it with you.


Carla Golden October 26, 2015 at 9:20 am

Thank you Guinne.


Karry shaw November 19, 2015 at 3:11 am

Mlm’s have shareholders too so what u say about regular companies is misleading most ppl information provided by the dsa points that 99% of ppl make a lot less than minimum wage in mlm even those who “worked hard” or bought $4000 supervisor kits yet shareholders keep the money and profit off the losing 99% Avon and Tupperware left the dsa cuz of mlm mlm and network marketing just a made up term by them if u ask me


Carla Golden November 19, 2015 at 10:05 am

Thank you for the additional information Karry.


Gabriel January 15, 2016 at 8:02 pm

Thanks Carla. Yes, I can feel my parents start to hold their breath when the word pyramid scheme arises, which is what their label is on MLM. I’m at a point in my own evolution where I see this as the way things will be. 3 or 4 years ago I would’ve scoffed at it like most others.


Carla Golden January 16, 2016 at 10:11 am

It’s easy to discredit the MLM business model when you don’t understand what it really is. Thanks for taking the time to read & comment Gabriel!


Sruthi February 15, 2016 at 5:32 am

Loved your article ! Very relevant points and well articulated 👍


Carla Golden February 15, 2016 at 11:38 am

Thank you Sruthi for your kind words and for taking the time to read and comment!


Silas February 25, 2016 at 5:19 am

I was never a fan of the MLM business model myself because i did indeed see it as begging and just being a plain neusance to friends and family but then facebook and other marketplaces became great places to use while targeting clients that actually are looking for the product you are selling assuming that their brand is that well known. 6 months ago i created a website to sell Tupperware and im ranking that on the first page of google. Looking to do the same for Avon and Avroy Shlain since those two brands have a significant amount of searches on google. MLM can be done without being a pain in the head to those close to you.
Silas recently posted..Tupperware RepresentativeMy Profile


Carla Golden February 25, 2016 at 9:36 am

That is fantastic Silas! So glad your business is doing so well! Kudos & congrats!


paul mcelhinney April 3, 2016 at 1:24 pm

Well im new to mlm marketing so been reading up on various blogs to help me more in my marketing thanks for this great blog.
paul mcelhinney recently posted..Five Methods to Running Successful MLMsMy Profile


Carla Golden April 4, 2016 at 10:05 am

Excellent! Good luck! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment Paul.


Anthony Garces April 12, 2016 at 1:26 am


This is really informative and straight-forward. Very easy to read. Network Marketing is only a “type” or “method” to sell a product. And helping people grow will also let you grow, this is definitely the future of marketing.

Anthony Garces recently posted..Top Network Marketing LegendsMy Profile


Carla Golden April 12, 2016 at 7:39 am

Thank you for your feedback Anthony!


Hini July 27, 2016 at 4:06 pm

Great article Carla, I know MLM works, big manufacturing companies are always looking for ways to get their products to consumers without paying the middle person a huge amount to sell for them, ie retail stores, we get to use it ourselves and share our experience with others and get paid by THE COMPANY and not from your friends. But I dont understand when people say its a pyramid scheme when in most corporate or traditional companies if you want to work your way up the ladder, you get promoted, get paid more, isn’t that MLM, and as you get higher, the positions become less available, till you reach top spot, ceo etc, wow, that looks like a pyramid to me, and it happens through our police force, government, corporate sectors and so on; and people don’t see that, because that’s how we are programmed.


Carla Golden July 28, 2016 at 10:57 pm

Thanks for adding your thoughts Hini!


Roger Gonsalves October 11, 2016 at 2:01 pm

this is a great page


Carla Golden October 11, 2016 at 11:16 pm

Thank you Roger!


Robin Ashley December 19, 2016 at 4:54 pm

Hi Carla,
I am vegan, and came across your site while searching for ‘steps’ that I could share with my friends who are interested in making the transition. As I poked around your site looking at recipes and other information, I found this MLM article….LOVE IT!
I retired from my corporate job in 2009 and have my own holistic/metaphysical website. In March of 2016 I received multiple spider bites that resulted in an infection that spread to 90% of my body. Over 4 1/2 months I tried over 50 natural cures, saw 3 Dr’s and tried 7 prescriptions, doctors were ready to amputate my leg in an effort to remove the source of the infection.
That’s when my friends shared a new product and business they had just started with. The product is CBD hemp oil, a 100% legal oil that is available without a prescription. I was skeptical, but figured I had nothing to loose!
Within 3 days I had massive improvement, and the infection completly left my body in about 2 weeks! Of course, I too had to ‘join the movement’ after these types of results!
Since then my husband and I along with everyone who has been willing to try this, has had impressive results <3 My husband was able to quit his job and we are now 100% commuted to providing a solution to those with health challenges.
What you said about distributors being passionate is so perfect, and the main reason why this is so easy to share.
I would like to point something out, something that occurred to me as I was reading some of the comments. Your blog clearly shows that you have been able to achieve balance, you are not just 'pushing' any of your areas of interest. This is what I feel I have done as well. Because I am marketing something I believe completly in with my heart and soul, I am able to easily include it along with all my other talents and passions, making for a very balanced and rewarding life <3


Carla Golden December 19, 2016 at 10:06 pm

So sorry for your unfortunate circumstance but glad for you that it’s turned into a rewarding lifestyle after all! Thanks for sharing your story.


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