What is Spiritual Nutrition?

This is the way I see & understand it so far…

While we are alive on this planet during this lifetime, we are two bodies: a physical body and and a spiritual body (soul). Our physical bodies are temporary (mortal) and visible and our spiritual bodies are eternal (immortal) and invisible. This is a very dualist and very real viewpoint.

Ultimately God/Universe is all-one and non-dualistic. Our physical manifestation is God’s way of creating contrast & relationship in order to see him/her/itself. It is this illusion of separateness that helps us remember our connectedness. This is also a very real viewpoint.

The beautiful paradox of life is that we are both dualistic and non-dualistic at the same time. We have separateness and we have oneness. The joy, gift, and challenge of being human is to walk in both worlds simultaneously.

As a spiritual nutritionist I teach how to eat to benefit both bodies – physical and spiritual – at the same time. There are many great foods that fuel the physical body, and the strongest way for the spiritual body to stay fully connected to God/Universe is to fast (omit food). Finding the happy medium between these two is my passion and field of expertise. It’s the sweet spot of my focus.

There are foods that can keep us very rooted in the physical plane. These are foods derived from other living creatures and come with a high energetic price to our soul. There are foods that are considered excellent survival foods because of their low-perishability, low-to-no energetic soul price, such as grains and legumes, yet can be difficult for the physical body to digest since they can’t be consumed raw. Ultimate and optimal foods adequately fuel the physical body while carrying a low-to-no energetic soul price. These are thriving foods –  living, fresh, and compassionate – that keep us in the sweet spot of life: well fueled and in high vibration.

My work as a spiritual nutritionist is to first help people feel better. This is the main reason clients seek me. They have discomfort in their physical bodies and either conventional healthcare has failed them or they know enough about alternative medicine that it’s understood a dietary change is in order and they need guidance. I have helped 100’s of people feel physically better in just a week’s time using my Fruit Til Five™ program. For some people, this is enough to get started on a more healthful, healing path.

For those who understand that life is more than just this physical world, I love to show & teach how food can be used as a platform for spiritual growth using The Healers Diet™. We all eat every day anyway, so why not take what we’re already doing, shift it a bit, and gain greater benefits? Not only will the physical body feel & perform better, the soul can more fully incarnate.

Every atom is 99% intelligent space. That means of all the atoms that make up everything, including our physical bodies, only 1% is visible. This means that our physical selves are only 1% of our total self. There is 99% of each of us that can’t be detected with the physical 5 senses. This is the space that is available to be partially or fully infused with soul.

Through eating and living consciously in order to thrive, one can invite their soul to more fully incarnate into that 99% space. Those whose souls are more fully incarnated have a stronger, brighter, more loving presence in this physical world. It can be felt far and wide. Think of some of the greatest teachers who have walked this planet. Many we worship, others we celebrate on holidays, and others we honor, quote, and emulate regularly.

When we were born, we were fully incarnated. As we aged & separated from mother we began to learn that we are separate selves. Conscious parents help keep the souls of their children engaged and retreating as little as possible. Unconscious parents bring us fully into this physical world and convince us that this is all there is: an existence of contrasts where things are right or wrong, good or bad, black or white. If we are lucky, we regain engagement with our soul  – become enlightened or awake. If we are not as lucky, we remain solely in a dualistic world where people compete and fight with one another, suffer at the mercy of fate, and are controlled or exert control through fear.

Conscious and unconscious parents can be equally loving parents. They simply indoctrinate their children into the world in which they live and know.

Those of us who were disengaged from their souls by family and society can re-engage through many spiritual, holistic, and energetic modalities. The one I chose inadvertently was nutrition. When I improved my diet for optimal physical pursuits, I experienced an awakening that then taught me how eating physical food can be a soulful practice. It wasn’t until I made my physical body well that I discovered how much more deeply I could bring my soul into myself (the 99% space) and into this world. I keep my physical body well so that I can do the work that my soul came to Earth to do which is to align with oneness, share joy, express love, and serve others. I do this by teaching spiritual nutrition.

Food is an excellent tool for change. Our physical bodies need fuel (food, sunlight, air) and there are times when the physical body is best served by fasting. Food can raise or lower vibration as needed. Every bite of food with conscious awareness can alter our physical self and spiritual self which in turn affects our relationship with every aspect of being alive. We can assist and co-create in the healing of ourselves, interpersonal relationships, family systems, society, nations, and the world. It all starts with with a simple conscious bite. As we consume the world, we tell the world in which what kind of tomorrow-world we wish to live.

This is spiritual nutrition: eating for personal transformation, global revolution, and human evolution. Yes, food is that powerful.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Claire December 26, 2016 at 3:40 am

I would live to receive some more info on eating and how it can help my soul spiritually xx


Carla Golden December 26, 2016 at 9:56 am

Claire, you can start HERE and if you want to go deeper, check out The Vegan Key™.


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