How Will You Feel After a Detox?


One of the biggest confusions in the natural health movement is the lack of understanding of the benefits of a nutrition or detox program and so I’d like to clear some of that confusion up by explaining here what you may feel after a body detox.

Remember, every body is different and so reacts differently to a detox but some of the things you will feel are similar and here I will explain them.

Detox Love

Detox Love

A detox is simply a cleansing program that cleans up a particular aspect of your body. A liver detox for example cleans up the toxins in the liver so that the liver can function properly and do a better job.

During the detox it is likely that you will feel tired and may exhibit other symptoms such as heightened body odor, headaches, increased urine coloration amongst other things and this will usually happen in the initial few days simply because your body is cleansing.

Remarkable things happen in your body (as well as your mind) once this initial period is over. The amazing intelligence present in every cell of the body and the wisdom of the body in its operation immediately becomes manifest.

After a detox, you will feel cleaner both physically and mentally. You may also feel more alert and energetic and you will feel better after digestion of food because the process has been better than when you’re insides were clogged.

It’s important that you kick-start life after the detox with healthy and conscious eating. Choose your food wisely and try to adapt new simple habits to keep you healthy. For example, commit to drinking more water, eat a big salad with every meal, eat fruit at least 30 to 60 minutes before a meal and avoid fizzy drinks, snacking and junk food.

The real excitement and test of your body begins after your detox and after the cleanse is complete. But a simple detox doesn’t completely cleanse the body, it’s how you eat after that defines your body’s new path.

Put simply, when the quality of the food coming into the body is of higher quality than the tissues which the body is made of, the body begins to discard the lower grade materials and tissues to make room for the superior materials which it uses to make new and healthier tissue.

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