Learn What 55.6 Million People Google Each Month!

Guess what? EACH MONTH over 55.6 million people Google “how to be happy.” Part of me feels very sad about this, but the other part of me feels in good company. LOL! How about you?

We’ve all felt happiness and, at this point in life, you and I both know that happiness is a journey not a destination, it waxes and wanes, it’s a state of mind and that people are pretty much as happy as they choose to be.

So why do we keep searching for new tips & techniques? How much happiness do we need to be happy?

According to Dr. Rick Hanson “you can change your mind to change your brain to change your mind for the better.”


Basically we can choose happiness to form new neural pathways in our brains that make it easier for future happiness. In other words, if we exercise our “happy” muscle, it gets stronger.

So when that chocolate cheesecake is sitting in front of you & you know that when you tango with it that you’re going to feel a mountain of guilt later, you’re etching a path in your brain for unhappiness and future unhappiness. You say mean things to yourself in your head, you punish yourself with extra exercise and it’s hard to be friendly to others when you’re feeling weighed down & consumed with beating yourself up.

Fruit Bowl

Fruit Bowl

Conversely you know that if you joyfully choose the fruit bowl that you’re going to feel clean, clear, & energetic, then you’re etching a path in your brain for happiness and future happiness. You are proud of yourself, your sweet tooth has been healthfully satisfied and you feel full with delicious life.

With practice over time you won’t even see the cheesecake because it falls off your happiness radar. Hard to believe, but it’s true!

Food can be a healthy gateway to happiness. You eat every day and your food choices, whatever they may be, inevitably impact your body, mind & spirit with each meal. When you raise your guiding principles for food choices, you elevate your physical, mental & spiritual experience & expression.

Will you make a targeted happy food choice today? One that helps you feel abundant, kind and free?

I’d love to hear about it on my Facebook page or as a comment below. Your participation in this conversation can help those 55.6 million people find some helpful answers!

Food = Life = Love

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Jamie LaNeave September 17, 2012 at 2:26 pm

So, yes, Carla. This does help! I am starting my 10 day juice fast today and this article confirms how I feel just thinking about all the good choices I will be making in the next few days. I am also remembering that the uncomfortable places are okay, too. Those long silent stares at what I could be eating eventually dissapates into the atmosphere as I move on to the next thing, but oh how those stares seem like eternity. I keep telling myself “There is something on the other side of this burger, and to feel hungry is okay.” Just like in my yoga practice, settling into those uncomfortable places, those tight places, makes way for change. And it gets easier! Thanks Carla. On point again! My mantra for today “Letting-go to joy.”



Carla Golden September 17, 2012 at 2:28 pm

Kudos to you Jamie! Best of luck on your 10 Day Juice Feast. Remember those hard parts are necessary for the creation of a diamond heart! 🙂


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