What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to the feet and/or hands utilizing specific thumb, finger and hand techniques with the use of massage oil, lotion and/or essential oils based on a system of zones and reflex areas which reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands with a premise that such work effects a physical change in the body.

Foot Reflexology Chart

Foot Reflexology Chart

Schedule a Reflexology Session with Carla Golden, LMT

Hand Reflexology Chart

Hand Reflexology Chart

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Ahmad Khan October 10, 2012 at 1:15 am

Nice and superb blog it help me a lot thanks for sharing this type of information it helps a people lot thanks once again. At last i would like to add my own word Drug designing is an advanced branch of modern pharmaceutical chemistry, which is involved with the process of developing new medicinal substances appropriate to the specific biological targets …..:)


Sylvia November 12, 2013 at 9:35 pm

Hi I wanted to ask a question. I have been experiencing burning feeling on my right foot bottom of the ache. It comes in spurts. On the Reflexology chart it is the bladder. What does that mean and how can I treat it. It just started a week ago.

Sylvia Kirwin


Carla Golden November 12, 2013 at 9:56 pm

Burning sensations usually mean nerve inflammation. It may be your bladder or it may be your actual foot. It’s hard for me to say not being in full conversation with you or having a health history on you. Crank up the alkaline diet and see if the inflammation subsides or go to your general practitioner for assistance. Alkaline Diet info: https://www.carlagoldenwellness.com/2013/08/04/the-easiest-food-formula-to-follow/


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