Massage 101 for Newbies


1. First time clients need to arrive 10 minutes prior to appointment time to complete a Client Intake Form.

2. I will personally greet you and there will be a short pre-massage conversation to review the aforementioned form in the privacy of the massage room.

3. I will exit the massage room, closing the door and you will undress to your level of comfort. This means that you have the option of removing all of your clothes, including underclothes, or you may choose to keep on your underwear and/or bra.

Some clients do it one way, some the other. The only “right” way is the one that keeps you comfortable. You will then get on the table, under the sheet provided, face up or face down, whichever is your preference or whichever you and I have decided on together.

4. After a few minutes I will knock on the door to make sure you are ready and, if so, I will enter the room. At this time the massage will begin. If you are in need of any pillows, bolsters or blankets, they will be offered to you at this time. I will massage your entire body excluding any indicated areas of pain or privacy as indicated on your intake form.

Your body will remain covered with the sheet (and blanket if employed) except for the area being massaged. You will never be fully exposed and your gluteal cleavage and genitals will always remain covered. It is optional for women to have their breast tissue massaged, but if this is marked for exclusion, the breast will remain covered with the sheet or with a towel. Approximately half way through the appointed session time, I will partially lift the sheet forming a privacy tent under which you will roll over when cued.

You are welcome to talk during the massage if it is your preference, but it is encouraged to receive your massage in total peace accompanied by tranquil music for full relaxation – mental, emotional and physical – benefits. If there is anything that can be done to customize the level of comfort and enjoyment of your massage – temperature of room, type of music, pillows, bolsters, pressure of massage, level of lighting, etc. – please do not hesitate to speak. The massage is for your benefit and enjoyment and it is my sincere desire for you to thoroughly relish in your time spent at Golden Touch Massage Therapy, LLC.

5. At the conclusion of your massage session, I will leave the room. If you are asleep, you will be awakened gently beforehand. At this time you are welcome to slowly get off the table and redress. It is important to move cautiously due to feelings of possible dizziness or disorientation. These feelings are common and normal due to deep relaxation in the horizontal alignment. Be mindful that lotion and/or oil has been applied during your foot massage and your feet may be slightly slippery.

6. Upon exiting the massage room you will pay for your session and you may schedule another appointment. Tips are always appreciated but never expected. Some of my clients tip and some don’t. Some tip a lot and some tip a little bit. Some clients think my massage prices are underpriced and want to pay me more via a tip. It’s all good. Whatever you choose to do is right and good.

There is a water cooler in the lobby and you are encouraged to take your time, have a seat and enjoy some cool, refreshing water while taking in the benefits of your massage.

Why Massage? 
from The Massage Book by George Downing

“The core of massage lies in its unique way of communicating without words. In itself this is not unusual; by touching and hugging, for example, we often let those around us know that we like them, or that we sympathize with them, or that we believe in their worth.

Massage, however, can transpose this kind of message into a new and different key. When receiving a good massage a person usually falls into a mental-physical state difficult to describe. It is like entering a special room until now locked and hidden away; a room the very existence of this is likely to be familiar only to those who practice some form of daily meditation.

By itself this state is a gift. However, he who is giving the massage needs not stop there. The more he can tune in to his friend’s heightened awareness, the more he can convey something of his own inner self and experience as well. The least touch becomes a statement, like drawing with a fine pen on sensitive paper. Trust, empathy and respect, to say nothing of a sheer sense of mutual physical existence, for this moment can be expressed with a fullness never matched by words.”

I could not have said it better myself!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Melissa April 30, 2018 at 3:14 pm

Good blog on Massage for newbies! I love the passage from the Massage book! I never heard of it. I’ll check it out 😁


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