Ear Candling


Ear candling originated in ancient civilizations of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, India, China, Tibet, Egypt, and Native American cultures thousands of years ago. All of these cultures utilized ear coning in healing, and  in spiritual purification. With the population on this earth increasing  in size, the consciousness of many healing arts are also expanding, and  beginning to flourish here in our western culture. These ancient  cultures used papyrus reeds, corn stalks, clay tubes with double helixes carved into them, and in more recent times, rolled newspaper dipped in wax.


The ear contains approximately four thousand pores, along with several thousand nerve endings. As Asian ear charts show the acupuncture points, there are nerves and meridians within the ear canal connecting to the pores. Nerves connect like telephone lines from one part of the body to the other, attaching themselves to organs, bones, muscles, skin, and run to the very extremities of our hands, feet, and ears.

The nerve carries subtle energy flow, which carries our life force. Pores inside the ear canal run deep into our system connecting to our sinuses, skeletal, lymph nodes, eyes, and to other parts of the body. The pore also connects to the cerumen gland. The cerumen gland processes unwanted substances such as yeast, sugars, and fluids along with protein matter, fats, and carbohydrates in producing ear wax twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.

When the pores have an over abundance of ear wax, the pores are then swollen, putting pressure on the nerve endings. In turn, the nerve ending puts pressure on the organ, which inhibits the organ from producing the essential nutrients for the immune system. Also, nerve endings become blocked and cannot transmit vibration frequencies when fungus or yeast growth is attached. The body is then disconnected from the transmissions of energy.


Most people have pre-existing health conditions which have been laying dormant within their body for many years, and are unaware of what is happening to their body… until they come down with symptoms such as headaches, deafness, equilibrium imbalance, tinititus (ringing in the ears), diabetes, heart problems, arthritis, emotional instability, sleeping disorders, enzyme function impairments, night blindness, vision problems, and the feeling of numbness.

Candida, which stems from the liver and kidneys, create infestations and toxicity, which may be a combination of decomposing medication, yeast and parasitic worms, and allow viruses to enter into the body and causes other symptoms, such as itching in the ear, stress, and Bell’s Palsy. Some parasites burrow into the ear wax and remain dormant until the weather conditions change, and/or the change of your diet. Other parasites will remain active in your body, bringing about a feeling of sluggishness, and or feeling fatigued all the time.


The ear cones operates through osmosis and/or convection. This is where one chamber (ear cone) is attached to another chamber (ear canal). The ear cone is trying to equalize pressure to the ear canal. Since the body is a membrane of tissue with many pores, nooks and crannies, the ear cone will never equalize pressure. Hence forth, the ear cone will continually keep working at equalizing pressure. In turn, the transfer of heat and vapors of warm smoke from the cone travel down into the ear canal, warming up the pores. The fire from the burning candle/cone creates an atmospheric vacuum which dislodges debris.

Schedule an Ear Candling Session with Carla Golden, LMT


Disclaimer: This is considered to be educational only, and not considered to be used as medical treatment, and no claim is being made for any such cure.

Warning: Do not engage into practicing ear candling alone. Ear candling should be done with at least two people. Be sure to have a well ventilated area.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Jonnie November 17, 2015 at 7:44 am

Ever heard? Sometimes we cannot see the forest for the trees
My ole’ bod is testing me but i am not going yield to drugs
At age 74 do not require a single prescription drug – not bad?
Really appreciate all the informative info


Carla Golden November 17, 2015 at 9:27 am

That’s awesome Jonnie! Keep feeding yourself well and exercising and you’ll not need to start medications. You’re an inspiration! Thank you for taking the time to read & comment. xo


Dariana Gonzalez March 24, 2019 at 7:38 pm


I have always been interested in ear candling and just want to know a little more, I know that you mentioned in the disclaimer that it is for educational use only and not be considered medical treatment. I am just wondering what are the benefits of ear candling if it is not curing anything such as
* Tinnitus
* Sinusitis
* Hayfever and rhinitis
* Excessive ear wax
* Colds
* Tension headaches
* Stress

does the candling just reduce the symptoms?


Carla Golden March 25, 2019 at 9:26 am

Hi Dariana, as you know it is illegal and unwise to claim any curing capabilities of any modality online. That said, I believe ear candling has helped relieve symptoms of the conditions that you listed however these conditions were not brought about due to lack of ear candling. Ear candling can be one piece of a multi-faceted approach to health restoration. I would first look at diet because food has a greater impact and I would recommend a whole food plant based (WFPB) diet for all the conditions that you listed as they are largely based in inflammation which a WFPB diet is excellent at addressing.


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