There are three types of enzymes which function in your body:

1. Digestive enzymes – supplied by the body to digest your food (amylase, protease, lipase)
2. Food enzymes – contained in raw foods, which start food digestion
3. Metabolic enzymes – supplied by the body to govern your tissues and organs and keep the body in working order

There are three other things you must know:

1. Cooked foods contain no enzymes, because enzymes are destroyed through heat at and above 118 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Raw grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes contain enzyme-inhibitors. If they are germinated or properly soaked, the enzyme-inhibitors are neutralized.
3. You have a limited enzyme potential. In other words, you do not manufacture an unlimited supply of enzymes. The more your body is required to make digestive enzymes, the less it makes metabolic enzymes.

“To get enzymes from food, one must eat raw food. All life, whether plant or animal, requires the presence of enzymes to keep it going.

If humans take in more food enzymes, as nature ordained, the body’s enzyme potential will not have to waste so much of its heritage digesting food. It can distribute more of this precious commodity to the metabolic enzymes, where it rightfully belongs. This rightful distribution of enzyme energy will not only act to maintain health and prevent disease, but is expected to help cure established disease.

If the human organism must devote a huge portion of its enzyme potential to making digestive enzymes, it spells trouble for the whole body because there is a strain on production of metabolic enzymes and there may not be enough enzyme potential to go around.

The length of life is inversely proportional to the rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential of an organism. The increased use of food enzymes promotes a decreased rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential.” Dr. Edward Howell

Enzyme Nutrition by Dr. Edward Howell (click image to order)

Enzyme Nutrition by Dr. Edward Howell (click image to order)

The Life Force Diet demonstrates that certain foods are more than a means of satisfying hunger or cravings-they’re our secret weapon against aging, excess weight, and disease. And what do life force foods contain? Enzymes! Enzymes affect every single life function, including thousands of essential biochemical reactions in the body. If we are deficient in dietary enzymes, our bodies have to expend energy making their own.

Scientists have proven that the more enzyme-depleted foods we eat, the faster we lose our internal supplies, the result of which is exhaustion, weight gain, accelerated aging, and the onset of illness.

But there’s good news. By eating a diet high in enzyme-rich life force foods, we can reverse these problems and turn back the clock on aging. Life force foods are the key to weight loss, mental clarity, boundless energy, and radiant good looks. In just three weeks you’ll feel a renewed sense of vitality, and marvel at clearer, smoother skin and more lustrous hair. What’s more, you’ll find that The Life Force Diet has such delicious recipes, you’ll look forward to every meal!

The Life Force Diet by Dr. Michelle Schoffro Cook (click image to order)

The Life Force Diet by Dr. Michelle Schoffro Cook (click image to order)