I Have Discovered Nirvana BUT It Comes With a Catch!

Banana-only “ice cream” is not a new recipe for me, but I was always under the impression that you had to have a fancy Champion Juicer to make it. Recently I learned how to make it using my food processor!!

Frozen banana "ice cream"

Frozen banana “ice cream”

It has the texture of ice cream, it spoons like ice cream, it’s cold, it’s creamy, it’s sweet and pure heaven in a bowl. The best part is: it’s ONLY delicious & nutritious bananas!

But here’s the catch: there’s a problem with fruit. Click here to read what that BIG problem is.

Here’s the recipe:

1. Peel & freeze ripe or over ripe bananas in a ziploc bag in the freezer. Click here to know how to tell if your bananas are ripe enough & why it’s a problem if they’re not.

2. Once frozen, break frozen bananas in half and place in food processor.

3. Process until bananas are chunked up into small frozen bits. Let it sit about 5-10 minutes to thaw a bit.

4. Process again. Be patient. At some magic moment of temperature, the bananas will start to swirl into a creamy treat. Do not add any liquid. You might need to scrape the sides with a spatula.

5. Serve & enjoy!

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